Ослепшая в 15 лет жертва кислотной атаки встретила свою любовь в больнице, где проходила реабилитацию

25-летняя Прамодини Руль была еще подростком, когда ее жизнь изменилась навсегда. Отвергнутый ухажер не смог пережить унижения и плеснул девочке в лицо опасную жидкость. Индуска пережила несколько операций и впала в депрессию. Выйти из этого состояния ей помог любимый мужчина, которого она встретила в медицинском учреждении

Ежедневно по всему миру совершаются десятки, если не сотни преступлений с применением кислоты. Жертвой может стать каждая перешедшая кому-то дорогу или не выполнившая требуемое от нее социумом женщина. Так, например, Прамодини Руль в 15 лет ослепла из-за того, что отвергла предложение руки и сердца давнего поклонника. Мужчина не смог простить отказа и облил ее ядовитой жидкостью. Руль долгое время лежала в больнице и перенесла четыре операции. К сожалению, зрение девушке спасти не удалось: она ослепла на оба глаза. Кожу для пересадки на лицо врачи брали с ее ног, но из-за занесенной инфекции швы на конечностях начали воспаляться. За девушкой ухаживал медбрат Сародж, который работал в больнице. Увидев, что рядом с пациенткой каждый день сидит плачущая мама, парень проникся к семье сочувствием и стал каждый день подолгу разговаривать с пациенткой.

PIC BY NIRAJ GERA/ CATERS NEWS: (PICTURED: Pramodini Roul, 25, also lovingly called Rani, from Odisha, India, has finally found the love of her life after suffering horrific acid attack as just 15-year-old. Pic taken on 22/10/2017) - An Indian woman who suffered horrific burns to her face and lost vision in both the eyes in an acid attack by scorned admirer has found the love of her life in the hospital bed. Pramodini Roul, was just 15 years old when a bike-borne paramilitary soldier threw acid on her face, melting it away completely and blinding both her eyes because she had rejected his marriage proposal. The 25-year-old survivor, who is lovingly called Rani or queen by her family, was a 10th grade student then and was returning from taking an exam with her cousin when the 28-year-old man doused her with the corrosive element. Rani spent four months in ICU immediately after the incident and later was bedridden for four years at her house in Odisha in eastern India while her widowed mother took care of her alone, bandaging her pus-filled wounds. SEE CATERS COPY.

«Медики говорили, что мне понадобится четыре года, чтобы я вновь смогла ходить. Поражения ног были очень серьезными, и на восстановление требовалось много времени. Сародж заверил маму, что сделает все возможное, чтобы я встала как можно быстрее», — рассказала Прамодини журналистам британского портала Mirror.

В конце концов мужчина ушел с работы, чтобы ухаживать за любимой дома. По словам девушки, ей не хотелось жить.

«Если бы я потеряла не только зрение, но и способность самостоятельно ходить, я бы умерла. Сародж не терял надежды, постоянно поддерживал и мотивировал на занятия физкультурой», — поделилась переживаниями индуска.

Через некоторое время благодаря поддержке возлюбленного Прамодини смогла встать на ноги. Недавно она перенесла операцию, которая частично восстановила ее зрение: теперь девушка немного видит правым глазом. Сародж сделал любимой предложение, но перед свадьбой индуске придется еще не один раз лечь под нож хирурга.

PIC BY NIRAJ GERA/ CATERS NEWS: (PICTURED: Pramodini Roul, 25, also lovingly called Rani, from Odisha, India, has finally found the love of her life after suffering horrific acid attack as just 15-year-old. Pic taken on 22/10/2017) - An Indian woman who suffered horrific burns to her face and lost vision in both the eyes in an acid attack by scorned admirer has found the love of her life in the hospital bed. Pramodini Roul, was just 15 years old when a bike-borne paramilitary soldier threw acid on her face, melting it away completely and blinding both her eyes because she had rejected his marriage proposal. The 25-year-old survivor, who is lovingly called Rani or queen by her family, was a 10th grade student then and was returning from taking an exam with her cousin when the 28-year-old man doused her with the corrosive element. Rani spent four months in ICU immediately after the incident and later was bedridden for four years at her house in Odisha in eastern India while her widowed mother took care of her alone, bandaging her pus-filled wounds. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC BY NIRAJ GERA/ CATERS NEWS: (PICTURED: Pramodini Roul, 25, also lovingly called Rani, from Odisha, India, has finally found the love of her life after suffering horrific acid attack as just 15-year-old. Pic taken on 22/10/2017) - An Indian woman who suffered horrific burns to her face and lost vision in both the eyes in an acid attack by scorned admirer has found the love of her life in the hospital bed. Pramodini Roul, was just 15 years old when a bike-borne paramilitary soldier threw acid on her face, melting it away completely and blinding both her eyes because she had rejected his marriage proposal. The 25-year-old survivor, who is lovingly called Rani or queen by her family, was a 10th grade student then and was returning from taking an exam with her cousin when the 28-year-old man doused her with the corrosive element. Rani spent four months in ICU immediately after the incident and later was bedridden for four years at her house in Odisha in eastern India while her widowed mother took care of her alone, bandaging her pus-filled wounds. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC BY NIRAJ GERA/ CATERS NEWS: (PICTURED: Rani, the brave acid attack survivor bear her scars in an empoweing photoshoot with the love of her life Saroj in Noida, India.Pic taken on 22/10/2017) - An Indian woman who suffered horrific burns to her face and lost vision in both the eyes in an acid attack by scorned admirer has found the love of her life in the hospital bed. Pramodini Roul, was just 15 years old when a bike-borne paramilitary soldier threw acid on her face, melting it away completely and blinding both her eyes because she had rejected his marriage proposal. The 25-year-old survivor, who is lovingly called Rani or queen by her family, was a 10th grade student then and was returning from taking an exam with her cousin when the 28-year-old man doused her with the corrosive element. Rani spent four months in ICU immediately after the incident and later was bedridden for four years at her house in Odisha in eastern India while her widowed mother took care of her alone, bandaging her pus-filled wounds. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC BY NIRAJ GERA/ CATERS NEWS: (PICTURED: Rani, the brave acid attack survivor bear her scars in an empoweing photoshoot with the love of her life Saroj in Noida, India. Pic taken on 22/10/2017) - An Indian woman who suffered horrific burns to her face and lost vision in both the eyes in an acid attack by scorned admirer has found the love of her life in the hospital bed. Pramodini Roul, was just 15 years old when a bike-borne paramilitary soldier threw acid on her face, melting it away completely and blinding both her eyes because she had rejected his marriage proposal. The 25-year-old survivor, who is lovingly called Rani or queen by her family, was a 10th grade student then and was returning from taking an exam with her cousin when the 28-year-old man doused her with the corrosive element. Rani spent four months in ICU immediately after the incident and later was bedridden for four years at her house in Odisha in eastern India while her widowed mother took care of her alone, bandaging her pus-filled wounds. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC BY NIRAJ GERA/ CATERS NEWS: (PICTURED: Rani, the brave acid attack survivor bear her scars in an empoweing photoshoot with the love of her life Saroj in Noida, India. Pic taken on 22/10/2017) - An Indian woman who suffered horrific burns to her face and lost vision in both the eyes in an acid attack by scorned admirer has found the love of her life in the hospital bed. Pramodini Roul, was just 15 years old when a bike-borne paramilitary soldier threw acid on her face, melting it away completely and blinding both her eyes because she had rejected his marriage proposal. The 25-year-old survivor, who is lovingly called Rani or queen by her family, was a 10th grade student then and was returning from taking an exam with her cousin when the 28-year-old man doused her with the corrosive element. Rani spent four months in ICU immediately after the incident and later was bedridden for four years at her house in Odisha in eastern India while her widowed mother took care of her alone, bandaging her pus-filled wounds. SEE CATERS COPY.

