Во Франции строят замок в соответствии с технологиями 13-го века

Во французской коммуне Треньи вот уже почти 20 лет строят замок Геделон (Chateau de Guedelon) из материалов и в соответствии с технологиями 13-го века. Строительство замка планируют завершить к 2030 году.

Вид строящегося замка Геделон в окрестностях Треньи в Бургундии, Франция.

A view of the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny in the Burgundy region of France

Работник в своей мастерской.

Guillaume Glotin, mason at the site since 2006, poses in his workshop at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny


A man works at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny


Women work at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Строящийся замок Геделон.

A view of the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny in the Burgundy region of France

Строительство замка Геделон.

A man works at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Инструменты каменотёса.

Stonecutters tools are seen at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Рабочий вращает барабан лебёдки.


Workers carry stones at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Каменотёс за работой.

A stonecutter works at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Образцы краски на стене строящегося замка Геделон.

Colour test are seen on a wall of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Деревянный потолок в одной из опочивален замка Геделон.

View of the timber work in castle bedroom at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Кузнец в своей кузнице.

Clement Guerard, blacksmith at the site since 1999, poses in his workshop at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Макет замка Геделон.

A blue print and a model of the Chateau de Guedelon are displayed at the construction site near Treigny


Thierry Baupain, woodcutter at the site since 1999, poses in his workshop at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Вид строящегося замка Геделон.

A view of the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny in the Burgundy region of France

Одна из опочивален замка.

View of the castle bedroom at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Вид строящегося замка Геделон.

A view of the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny in the Burgundy region of France


Bruno Feval, tiler at the site since 2004, poses in his workshop at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

План строящегося замка Геделон.

A view of the blue print of the Chateau de Guedelon is seen at the construction site near Treigny

Фасад строящегося замка Геделон.

View of the frontage of the Chateau de Guedelon at the construction site near Treigny

Каменотёс в своей мастерской.

Eugene Kedadra, stonecutter at the site since 1999, poses in his workshop at the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny

Вид строящегося замка Геделон.

General view of the construction site of the Chateau de Guedelon near Treigny in the Burgundy

