Лучшие косплеи фестиваля массовой культуры New York Comic Con 2016

С 6 по 9 октября в Нью-Йорке проходил ежегодный фестиваль массовой культуры New York Comic Con 2016, посвященный комиксам, видеоиграм, фэнтези, научно-фантастическим фильмам и другим проявлениям современной массовой культуры. Фестиваль собирает поклонников поп-культуры, которые традиционно перевоплощаются в своих любимых персонажей.

Уильям Биркин из видеоигры Resident Evil.

Chen Yifa from China poses for a selfie with a man dressed as William Birkin from Resident Evil at New York Comic Con in Manhattan

Райнхардт из видеоигры Overwatch.

A man in a dressed as Reinhardt from Overwatch walks with other attendees at New York Comic Con in Manhattan

Харли Квинн.

People dressed as Harley Quinn ride an escalator at New York Comic Con in Manhattan


A man in a Spiderman costume poses at New York Comic Con in Manhattan

Wac Bot.

A man dressed as Wac Bot walks under scaffolding toward New York Comic Con in Manhattan

A man dressed in costume walks with children enroute to the New York Comic Con with other commuters in New York

A man dressed in costume poses outside the New York Comic Con in New York

People dressed in costume are seen outside the New York Comic Con in New York

A man dressed in costume gives the thumbs up while riding on a motorcycle enroute to the New York Comic Con with other commuters in New York

A man dressed in costume rides the subway escalator enroute to the New York Comic Con with other commuters in New York

Brent Schlosshauer applies make-up to his "Simms Pet" costume at New York Comic Con in Manhattan

A couple dressed as The Joker and Harley Quinn kiss at New York Comic Con in Manhattan

