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×åõèÿ. Ïðàãà.3 èþíÿ. Êàðëîâ ìîñò âðåìåííî çàêðûò äëÿ ïîñåùåíèÿ â ðåçóëüòàòå íàâîäíåíèÿ. Ôîòî ÈÒÀÐ-ÒÀÑÑ/ EPA/ ÒÎËÜÊÎ ÄËß ÐÎÑÑÈÈ È ÑÍà (êðîìå Óêðàèíû) epa03728757 Silhouetts of police stand on guard at the closed medevial Charles Bridge in Central Prague, Czech Republic, 03 June 2013. Continuous heavy rainfall caused river levels to rise with flood alerts issued in many regions of the Czech Republic. Large parts of Central Europe have been pelted with heavy rains for the last few days, with more rain in the forecast through in the upcoming days. EPA/FILIP SINGER
