Yak (Bos grunniens) and Porter In Front Of Kangtega. Solukhumbu,


A porter carries the kitchen kit for a trekking group below a pair of domesticated yaks on the trail to Gokyo in Nepal. Kangtega can be seen in the distance in a swirl of clouds that quickly shift and hide mountains well in excess of 20,000’ all around.

Location is major part of photography and this image came to my mind as our photography tour group climbed a ridge late in the day to help us acclimatize to the dizzying altitude. With clouds all around, but a peek through them at times, I noticed a few yaks coming up the trail and had our group stop and wait for the right time. Luckily the clouds broke just as the yaks and porter were upon us and a mad flurry of seven camera shutters attempted to capture the scene.

The image has been edited with simple burning and dodging techniques in Adobe Lightroom to bring out the detail.
